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发布公司:四川金山制药有限公司 注册时间:10-10-19
[公司介绍]: 四川金山制药有限公司坐落于风景秀丽的“长寿之乡”---彭山青龙经济开发区内,占地面积100多亩,主要以从事药用原料、药用辅料、消毒剂、食品添加剂、电子高纯化学品的生产研发为一体的现代化企业。公司先后建成生产车间及配套设施30000多平方米,其中拥有30万级、10万级、1万级、100级的净化车间3800多平方米。公司严格按照GMP标准管理企业,年生产量能力1.2万吨。 公司实行总经理负责制,拥有一支技术强,素质高的职工队伍,在生产上有先进的设备为基础,检测上有高端的仪器为支撑。公司所有产品均取得由国家卫生部、四川省卫生厅、四川省食品药品监督管理局及质量技术监督总局颁发的批准文号。四川金山制药有限公司一直坚持以“质量求生存、服务是根本、管理出效益、效益促发展”为企业的宗旨。 我们的承诺:让客户满意是金山人永恒不变的追求。 我们的期待:精诚合作、 携手共进、 共创双赢。 Jinshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Sichuan, located in the beautiful scenery of "Longevity" --- Pengshan Qing Long Economic Development Zone, covers an area of 100 acres, mainly engaged in pharmaceutical raw materials, medical supplies, disinfectants, food additives electronic production of high purity chemicals, research and development into a modern enterprise. The company has completed workshops and supporting facilities over 30,000 square meters, which owns 300,000, 100,000, 10,000, 100 class clean room more than 3800 square meters. The company strictly according to GMP standard management company, the annual production capacity of 1.2 Company carries general manager responsibility system, has a powerful technology, high quality of the workforce, in the production of Shang advanced equipment for the foundation, Detection You 高端 equipment to 支撑. All products are made by the Ministry of Health, Sichuan Provincial Health Department, Sichuan Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision issued by the approval number. Jinshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sichuan has always insisted on "quality of survival, service is the fundamental effectiveness of management, efficiency and development" for business purposes. Our commitment: customer satisfaction is the eternal pursuit of Jinshan people. We look forward to: sincere cooperation, join hands to create win-win situation.
采购商品范围: 包材
供应商品范围: 药用原料、药用辅料、消毒剂
公司地址: 四川省彭山县青龙镇经济开发区
邮编: 620866 部门: 销售部
联系人: 陈部长 联系电话: 028-37696204
手机: 17761229947 传真: 028--37660529
企业商铺: www.scjszy.com 电子邮件: 509943934@qq.com
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ICP备案编号: 沪ICP备09013362号-1

热线电话 -- 021-55807300
